Contacts of the Bookmaker Office BSports in India

BSports administration is open to suggestions and is always ready to consider complaints and questions from players. You can use any of the official contacts to contact us. The main ways of communication will be described further on the page. Trust only them and do not use other contacts, otherwise you may encounter fraudsters.

Find out the contacts for the BSports team.
Find out how to get in touch with BSports via email.

You can fill in the feedback form at BSports website. Please indicate your e-mail address, subject line and the essence of your question. Use this method of contact for advice, help in solving problems, for complaints and suggestions. All player requests are processed on a first-come, first-served basis. The waiting time for a response can be up to 24 hours.

Get in touch with the BSports team via online chat.

If you don’t want to wait long for an email response, use another BSports contact. We are talking about online chat. You can launch it through any page of the official website. Do that, send a message to the chat and wait for our specialist to reply you. This may take up to 15 minutes.

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